Tranquility just you that can make it
The tranquility is only you who can make it. When you ask your heart to calm down then you will be calm. When you have a problem then Talk to your good friends. Because by telling us the problem would feel a little calmer. Encourage yourself by following good activities and do something useful. If you are not happy then try to make others happy then you will feel happy too. Multiply share with the people in need. You will know that life is so precious.
Imagine if now you can not see. Can not hear. No hands. Do not have legs. your disability. Imagine this. Be thankful from now you could still see, hear and speak and even walk. Many people are not as fortunate as us. So be grateful to do good, do good things, make friends with people who are good. Then peace will come and make you get a great pleasure. So good people will save you in the world and in the Hereafter.
Keep Smile
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