Make your own face cream


I'm going show you how to make your very own face cream. This is a great anti aging cream, that helps remove wrinkles and also tighten loose skin around your face. This is a very effective non surgical face lift, that sure beats having to pay thousands of dollars for a surgical one. You'll love the new look, and feel to your face. Why buy a face cream, when you can make one with your own products?
Difficulty: Easy


Things You'll Need:

  • egg white
  • lemon juice
  • vitamin e oil
  • virgin coconut oil
  • cotton ball
  1. 1
    Get a egg. Take one white egg(no yolk), and mix the egg white in a small container. The egg white is what will tighten your face, along with help reduce wrinkles on your face. This is incredible how well it works. Instantly can improve you face just like that.
  2. 2
    Take a few drops of lemon juice, and mix together. Lemon goes real well, then take a few drops of Vitamin E oil, along with Virgin Coconut Oil. Two of the healthiest oils for your face. You can use honey if you want as well, doesn't really matter. Mix well.
  3. 3
    Apply to your face with a cotton ball. This face cream, will give you a face lift with minutes. Be prepared, you'll feel your skin start to tighten up. Apply on your neck as well, tighten up your neck skin too. Leave it on your face for about 20 minutes, until it's completely dry. Then wash with warm water, or a face wash. You'll notice quite a difference in your face! You'll look much younger, and your skin complexion should look much better.