Learn From Paddy


Did you know paddy? Paddy is a plant which when processed can to be rice. And do you know? when the paddy become greater they will be more ducking.

Let us learn a moment from paddy. In daily life without realizing we are too happy with life and our success. Sometimes we forget to share happiness with others, we forget to give thanks even more severe and we feel proud and arrogant of what we've got and the success we have achieved.

Have you realize that you ever do that? I was also never felt it. Remember when we are sick, we still need people to help us to be healthy again. When sick we just realized that we were arrogant with this life. And life is only one time and someday will end and we will stay in the soil. Are we going to waste the time with regret when we are sick? Of course not. Therefore learn from the paddy. Paddy the greater will be more stoop. So we too, when the more successful and get everything we want, we should remain humble and grateful with share to others especially those we love. Then success will not become a pride even going  to be peace for us.

So lets learn from the paddy ...